Noel, called to serve you my dear Brothers, Sisters and fellow laborers in Christ!
All glory to God for what HE is doing in and through us to "Reach the Lost and Disciple the Found". We now have 78 Connectors in India who join their hands and hearts with us to reach the lost and disciple the found. I give below the map of India giving the locations where we have our connectors.

Jesus said “Come, follow me and I will send you out to fish for people.” (Matthew 4:19). If we follow Jesus Christ, then we must be involved in HIS work. The reason Jesus came to this world was to "Seek and save the lost". If we call ourselves as 'Christians' OR 'Children of God' then we should be about our FATHER'S business.
The apostle Paul said "It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me" and in Colossians 3:3 "For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God."
My brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, our lives are hidden with Christ in God. We no longer belong to ourselves, we belong to HIM. If we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, God has given us the authority to become HIS sons and daughters. We are co-heirs with Jesus Christ and therefore also co-workers with HIM. Let us not receive God's grace in vain, but let us be about our Father's business just as JESUS was.
Jesus is coming soon, are we going to appear before HIM with bare hands or are we going to appear before HIM with the number of people whom we connected with and lead into HIS presence, mentoring them to be strong disciples of the Lord who not only followed Jesus, but also brought others to follow HIM.
You may not be able to go as a missionary, but you can be a missionary from just where you are, to reach out around the globe to touch the hearts of many broken and hurting people who are searching for answers in their journey through life. The Lord has used me to reach more than 3500 people in the past two years. What God did through me, HE will do through you, even more than you could ask or imagine. If the Lord is speaking to your heart this day, do not harden your heart, return to HIM and you will be established and be involved in HIS work during these last days.
The Word of God tells us "It is wise to win souls". Let us therefore, be wise and win souls. Sign up as a 1-2-1 CONNECTOR and be eternally blessed. For the things of this world will be burned up, but the souls that you win will come with you to be with the Lord for ever, and ever, and ever, for all eternity.
I would like to share with you the vision of Network211 with the video below:
Network211 Vision Video:
My love, in Christ Jesus, to all of you. I remain a servant to every one of you till Jesus comes.
Noel Pentony
Phone: +91-98400 71796